Best Breakfast Burrito in Existence

I make breakfast burritos for my clients a lot so I’ve had lots of practice perfecting them. This is THE breakfast burrito - the best one you’ll ever eat! I always have to make an extra one (or two) for myself when I make them for clients… they’re so addictive!

16 servings

1 pound white or brown rice

46 ounces canned refried beans (1 big, 1 small)

1 (16 ounce) jar your favorite salsa

1 1/2 pounds chorizo

1 packet your favorite taco seasoning

18 eggs - beaten

1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar

16 extra large burrito shells

1 large bag shredded iceberg lettuce

4 cups pico de gallo (homemade or store bought)

2 cups guacamole or cubed avocado

1 pound bag shredded Mexican style cheese

In a large pot, boil rice according to the package directions. Add the refried beans and salsa to the cooked rice and mix everything together - keep warm. In a large skillet, cook the chorizo together with the taco seasoning. Add the eggs and cheese to the chorizo and cook until scrambled and melted - keep warm. On a clean work surface, line the burrito shells and create an assembly line of all the ingredients, ready to build your burritos. In the middle of each burrito shell, add the rice and bean mixture, the chorizo egg mixture, lettuce, pico de gallo, guacamole or avocado, and shredded cheese, leaving plenty of space on the outside of each shell so they’re easy to wrap up. To wrap, fold the sides of the tortilla over then flip the bottom up, tucking everything inside and roll until closed. Heat a cast iron pan over medium high heat and grill the folded side until golden (this also helps close and hold the burrito together). Then flip and toast the top until golden. Wrap in foil and serve. They can be reheated by placing in the oven at 350 degrees until warm.

*The rice bean mixture and the chorizo egg mixture can be prepped ahead, refrigerated, and reheated before assembling.